Digital Marketing Agency

6 Ways to Get More Traffic, Leads, Subscribers, and Sales on Social Media Sites

Get More Traffic, Leads, Subscribers, and Sales on Social Media Sites
Get More Traffic, Leads, Subscribers, and Sales on Social Media Sites

Social media has become a huge part of today’s marketing industry. Access to a global audience gives the user the ability to connect and engage with and wide targeted customer base and receive real-time feedback. Managing a business is very time consuming, let alone managing all different types of social media platforms. At Experience Advertising, Inc., we can take the pressure off your shoulders with proven strategies that will generate “leads”, email subscribers, and sign-ups of various types for email database growth and remarketing campaigns.

Here are just some of the strategies that we can initiate for our clients who are seeking to increase leads on social media:

  • Sharing links to gated content. 

If the content peaks the reader’s interest enough, they will be willing to provide basic contact information in exchange for access to your platform. Our team at Experience Advertising, Inc. excels when it comes to boosting Facebook page posts to the fans, targeted audiences, or custom audiences (customer databases).

  • Running Contests, Coupon Offers and Ad Campaigns

Running contests is an excellent way to involve and engage with the reader. When the reader feels connected, they will take the initiative to seek more information on their own. We understand the significance of running ad campaigns in conjunction with page posts in order to maximize engagement and can skillfully target your non-purchasing website visitors with a deal/promotion/coupon that will motivate them to return to your site to make a purchase. Facebook Lead Ads are a great way to ramp up email subscribers to your lists.

  • Host webinars, tutorials, hangouts, or live videos

Webinars, tutorials, live videos or hangouts invite a more personal connection with your audience. Interacting with your viewers helps establish trust. This can be compared to calling tech support and having to deal with a robot versus an actual person. No one wants to be stuck with a robot. A person can help you troubleshoot and source your problems and needs. This connection can build customer loyalty. Advertising webinar on Facebook and Instagram can be a great way to collect leads and then nutur them into sales.

  • Track and Analyze Social Media Channels

To generate more leads for our clients, we need to keep a virtual ear on the ground at all times. We run split tests to optimize the performance of the ad campaigns we run for our clients. Doing so keep us up to date with what’s happening on our clients’ web pages and responding accordingly. We will monitor important conversations people are having about relevant products and services and keep our clients in the loop when reaching out to make relevant connections and when sharing information. 

  • Using Geo-Targeted Searches

Using a geo targeted search will help you reach a certain type of clientele. You know your audience, and this will help you to engage them more effectively. For example, if you are trying to sell a product that benefits people living on the coast, using proper keywords will help you reach that particular audience and not people living in the middle of the country who have no need for your product or services.  

  • Adding Daily Unique Content to Social Networking Accounts and Advertising it

Our team of exceptional U.S.-based writers at Experience Advertising, Inc. are standing by ready to power your content strategy at affordable rates. We compose and publish many types of SEO content for our clients, including blog articles, press releases, YouTube videos, e-newsletters, LinkedIn content, social media content, product descriptions and much more. We will write lead-generating, shareable SEO content for you so you can focus on building your business. We can do the social media postings as well as run the ad campaigns that target your ideal audiences to make the posts work for you and produce results.

Hiring an experienced digital agency to manage your social media platforms is always a good solution if you’re looking to lighten your workload and  generate more leads and traffic to your business. Experience Advertising, Inc. has been helping companies advertise more effectively online for over ten years. Our focus is on engagement, revenue production and ROI for our clients.  We have successfully managed millions of dollars in advertising spends and have consistently increased overall revenue and customer loyalty and retention for our clients. We know what works and what doesn’t. If your social media pages are not generating the amount of exposure and leads you were hoping for, give us a call, today at 954-662-8016 and let us improve your visibility online and drive in more targeted leads, traffic and sales to your sites.  

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CEO and Founder

Evan is the CEO and Founder of Experience Advertising. He has more than 20 years experience and background with ecommerce website marketing. His skill sets include: search engine marketing, social media marketing, affiliate marketing, conversion rate optimization, and other traffic driving and community building strategies.