If you’ve put the time and energy into creating your ecommerce business, it may be time for you to partner with an ecommerce marketing agency. Working with a marketing agency can take business-building to the next level and increase revenue and profits. Ecommerce marketing agencies work to reach more customers and generate more sales – and putting an agency’s skills and experience to work for you can save you time and energy in the long (and short) run. But before you choose any marketing agency, you want to make sure that they’re the right agency for your business and your niche. Read on for some factors you should consider when selecting an ecommerce marketing agency.
How experienced is the agency?
While everyone has to start somewhere, you may not want to go with a brand new, inexperienced agency when marketing your brand online. Look for an agency with experience — not only in ecommerce marketing but in working with clients similar to your brand or businesses your size. A good agency will have a substantial marketing skill set, extensive knowledge of marketing strategies and technology, and the adaptability to work with a variety of clients. Your ecommerce business is unique and it’s likely that your growth goals and advertising needs are also unique. An experienced marketing agency will be able to analyze your current marketing strategies and results and determine what should be changed and what can be improved, how your budget can be put to the best use, and where new efforts will be most beneficial. One of the benefits of working with a marketing agency is that there is very little trial-and-error — they know what works, they know what you need, and they help you get there through the right advertising.
How well do they manage multiple advertising platforms?
There are so many places to reach customers online these days. In fact, there are places within those places — areas with niche subsets of consumers on popular platforms — where the right audience can be targeted with action-inspiring ads. You’ll want to find an agency that is skilled at managing different types of ads and campaigns across different types of platforms, and will know where it’s most effective to advertise for your niche. Because, again, your brand is unique and what worked for one ecommerce business and their audience might not work for you — but there is a platform or multiple platforms where your ads will reach their desired audience. An agency that can handle advertising on multiple platforms (Google Ads, social media, popular search engines, your own website) can create more visibility and more opportunity for growth for your ecommerce business.
Are they detail-oriented?
The details are important in successful ecommerce niche marketing. You’ll want to find an agency that takes a specialized approach to crafting your marketing plan and connecting with your niche audience. This can include being able to target the right audience with specific approaches, targeted ads, and engaging keywords. In niche marketing, there is little room for a generalized approach, you will want an agency that will be well-practiced in targeted marketing, SEO, and quality content that showcases your company and brand. Ecommerce marketing data and technology can create more opportunities than ever to pinpoint an audience and advertise directly to them. A skilled ecommerce marketing agency will be able to apply tailored strategies and technology when advertising to your coveted audience.
AND how do they do with the big-picture?
In ecommerce marketing, the big picture also matters. Well-crafted ad campaigns and optimized content is very important, but so are the overall success rates of those ads, website performance, and the total ROI for any campaign. A good marketing agency will always keep an eye on the big picture of an ecommerce marketing campaign, using tools and data-driven strategies to measure performance and then reporting performance metrics regularly. Since ecommerce marketing can result in near-immediate feedback, changes and updates can be made during the run of a niche marketing campaign. Always look for an agency that stays on top of the ecommerce marketing performance and website and online store performance, and that strives to improve results and ROI every step of the way.
Are they a fit for your business?
Bringing in an ecommerce marketing agency can be like adding a star player to your team. But as with any team, you want to be sure that player will be a good fit. Sometimes this is a ‘you-know-it-when-you-see-it’ sort of thing — you immediately click with them, they get what you’re about, and you have a good feeling about the partnership. But there are components to a client-agency relationship that can spell success. Find out about the agency’s communication style, the kind of working relationship they have with current clients, how they handle timelines and deadlines, how payments are made, how you can expect them to answer questions and respond to concerns — all of the practical stuff. Finding an agency that is in sync with your business’s way of doing things can make for a more effective advertising partnership.

There are numerous factors to consider when looking for an ecommerce marketing agency. If you’re trying to reach a niche audience, you may be even more selective in your choice of agency. If you want to grow your business and reach more of your target audience with paid advertising, free traffic-driving content, social media marketing, affiliates, and more, check out Experience Advertising, Inc. This agency got its start in the early days of ecommerce advertising over fifteen years ago. Since then, Experience Advertising, Inc has helped its clients expand their online businesses, build brand recognition, and increase their revenue. With a focus on customized marketing strategies and ROI-boosting strategies, Experience Advertising, Inc. can help you scale your business and grow your niche audience. That can result in more customers, more profits, and more effective advertising. For a free niche marketing consultation, make an appointment now. An ecommerce expert will create a plan for your business and discuss the strategies that can help your business reach its growth goals. Contact Experience Advertising, Inc. today for more information.