Digital Marketing Agency

Instagram – The Newest and Most Effective Way to Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Website

Instagram - The Newest and Most Effective Way to Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Website
Instagram – The Newest and Most Effective Way to Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Website

Instagram – The Newest and Most Effective Way to Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Website

There are a few good ways to get more targeted traffic to your website. SEO strategies, content marketing, email marketing, retargeting and PPC advertising are all effective and have their individual benefits. But social media sites have become increasingly popular advertising platforms, and the newest effective way to reach a target audience is to advertise on Instagram

With effective Instagram advertising and account management, you can reach more of your ideal audience — people who will likely be interested in going back to your website. Whether you want more: 

  • New site visitors
  • Returning site visitors
  • Converting site visitors

or all of the above, Instagram can help you connect with more of these people. And when you hire an Instagram advertising management agency, you can expedite the process of getting an Instagram account for your business or updating your current account and running the best Instagram ads to drive more targeted traffic to your website. 

Who’s on Instagram? 

Millennials, for sure. These twenty- and thirty somethings are hugely represented on this social media site, but Instagram is one of the most popular social media sites among people of all ages, all across the globe. Consumers of every demographic can be found on Instagram, and that’s why businesses and brands of all types on there too. In fact, per Instagram’s data, 80% of its billion users follow a business on this social media site. Instagram is now an important place to advertise online and a platform where your business should be represented.

What types of advertising can be used on Instagram? 

When your business starts advertising on Instagram, you can make use of 

  • Instagram image ads – The appeal of a great image can’t be underestimated. One image used in static image ads is immediate and effective. A multi-part carousel ad offers another experience that social media users respond to. Showcasing products, promoting special offers, and getting your message out to interested parties has never been so engaging as it with Instagram advertising.  
  • Instagram video ads – Sometimes a picture just doesn’t cut it though, and that’s when video ads for Instagram are called for. Demonstrations, showcasing products, and speaking directly to your audience become possible in quick, captivating Instagram video ads. 
  • Instagram story ads – Like video ads, these ads let you create immediate engagement with your followers, but story ads take it a step further. Your followers can view immersive, exciting story ads and then go to your website to take action.  

If you want to use the newest and most effective way to drive more targeted traffic to your website, work with a cutting-edge online advertising agency: Experience Advertising. We create compelling Instagram advertising campaigns for our clients. Contact us today to learn more about advertising your business on Instagram affordably and effectively or call: 954-662-8010 for a free social media marketing consultation. See more targeted traffic with Instagram advertising services from Experience Advertising. 

CEO and Founder

Evan is the CEO and Founder of Experience Advertising. He has more than 20 years experience and background with ecommerce website marketing. His skill sets include: search engine marketing, social media marketing, affiliate marketing, conversion rate optimization, and other traffic driving and community building strategies.